Master of Science

Master of Science

This study programme is composed of 120 university credits distributed over two years and leads to the M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering. The official language is English and/or Italian, depending on the study plan.

The B.Sc. (Laurea) degree is a strict requirement for admission to the M.Sc. (Laurea Magistrale) programme; the M.Sc. degree is a strict requirement for admission to the Ph.D. Programme. Admission to M.Sc. Degree Course undergoes an evaluation process aimed to determine the eligibility of the applicant. Such process, in compliance to the existing regulation, is based upon curriculum requirements and an assessment of the preparation of the student. The final decision about the admission to the M.Sc. Degree Course is taken by a Selection Committee set up by the Board of Studies, according to the academic career of the applicant. The Committee may take into account valid documentation showing clear exceptional conditions, justifying non-compliance of below-mentioned criteria and showing that the student has an adequate background. Such a documentation shall be attached to the admission application. If the applicant is admitted, compulsory additional subjects shall be communicated together with the admission and before enrolment, in order to provide students with the necessary information for a transparent and rational choice of the study plan.

A Bachelor of Science Degree (Laurea) is required for the evaluation of the career, as well as a higher degree (MSc, Laurea Magistrale). The evaluation can be carried out also for students enrolled in Politecnico di Milano BSc, if they are candidates in the next Graduation session, and for students enrolled in BSc of other Italian Universities, if they shall graduate before enrolling to the MSc. Admission requirements concerning the academic career considered by the Commission are as follows: a) whether the weighted average grade (or graduation mark in case of graduate candidates with B.Sc. Degree issued by other Italian Universities) is not below the admission threshold; b) whether graduate candidates can certify proficiency in English; c) whether further subjects and background knowledge are not required. If requirement stated at point a) on the above list is not satisfied, the candidate will not be admitted to the M.Sc. Degree Programme, unless documentation testifying a proven exceptional case is presented. If requirements stated at point b) and/or c) on the above list are not satisfied, the candidate will be accepted and enrolled in the M.Sc. Degree Programme, only after he/she has satisfied those requirements, by demonstrating his/her proficiency in English and/or earning the prerequisites identified and communicated by the Selection Committee. For detailed information (admission thresholds, etc.) related to the current academic year, please, check the M.Sc. study programme. 

The M.Sc. programme is aimed at forming highly-qualified professionals with the required skills to solve complex design problems and foster technological innovation. Students are allowed to customize their study plan becoming a specialist in one of the following three macro-areas: Electrical Engineering, Smart Grid, Mobility Engineering.

The study plan “Electrical Engineering – Ingegneria Elettrica” (English and/or Italian)  is aimed at developing expertise in the most advanced fields of Electrical Engineering. In particular, the study programme can be oriented (through a suitable choice of courses) in one or more of the following areas: 1) Energy and Renewable Sources, 2) Electric Transportation, 3) Design and Automation. Subjects of interest include measurement and diagnosis techniques, electromagnetic compatibility, design of electrical machines, power electronics, automation of electrical systems, electric transportation (including high-speed railway systems and electric vehicles); generation, transmission and distribution of electric energy, financial and economic aspects related to the electricity market.

The study plan “Smart Grid” (taught only in English) is run in collaboration with Enel Distribuzione S.p.A., and deals with modern electricity-distribution networks in medium- and low-voltage systems, which take into account the impact of telecommunications, automation and computer science, and need special attention to the proper management of dispersed generation and renewable energy sources. The skills developed span from activities related to transmission and distribution of electrical energy, network management of electrical systems, which include development, operations, and maintenance services. An important aspect is also related to the regulation of power systems, necessary to establish the tariffs and promote investments in the network, with particular attention to the adequacy, the efficiency and the security of the overall system. The Study Plan Smart Grid has a limited number of participants; the selection will be made by an ad hoc Committee.

The study plan “Mobility Engineering” (taught only in English) is run in collaboration with the M.Sc. Programme in Mechanical Engineering and the Ferrovie dello Stato railway group. This study plan can be chosen at the second year of the M.Sc. programme, after the first year in the study plan “Electrical Engineering – Ingegneria Elettrica” described above. This area explores electric issues associated to transportation systems and focuses mainly on railway systems (including High Speed – High Capacity systems), underground networks (including automatic systems), mass overground urban transport systems (tramlines, trolley buses and light rail), independent transport systems (electric and hybrid vehicles) and electric systems on board ships and airplanes. The Study Plan has a limited number of participants; the selection will be made by an ad hoc Committee. 

Further Information

School of Industrial and Information Engineering 

Educational rules for the Study Programme in Electrical Engineering

Rules for foreign language (PoliMI official site): starting from the academic year 2006/2007, Politecnico adopts English as the EU language that has to be mastered besides Italian. This implies that students must demonstrate their command of the English language to access the Laurea Specialistica/Magistrale degree.

Politecnico admission information