Bachelor Admission
Admission Requirements
High school diploma, or comparable foreign degree, is mandatory. Indeed, according to the D.M. 270/04 art.6, the admission to first level degree courses is subject to the possession of a five-year or four-year upper secondary school diploma or other qualification obtained abroad, recognized as suitable.
To be admitted to the Bachelor degree program in Electronics Engineering, you must take an entry test – TOL – common to all Engineering Degree Courses of the Politecnico di Milano – aimed at ascertaining the aptitude and preparation for studies. For more information: Poliorientami .
Students already enrolled who intend to move to Electronics Engineering from other Degree Courses or from other Universities may request an evaluation for the recognition of the credits already obtained.
Knowledge required for incoming students
The entrance test (TOL) verifies the possession of an adequate basic preparation in mathematics, sciences and verbal comprehension. Knowledge of the English language is also required and is verified through standard certificates equal to level B1 of the CEF – Common European Framework. If the verification of the possession of such knowledge is not positive, specific additional training obligations are given to the students (OFA), to be fulfilled before being able to access the regular courses offered in the years following the first one.
The details of these procedures (such as, for example, the programming of online test sessions) are defined every year by the Academic Senate of Politecnico di Milano.
Detailed information on admission and enrollment is available on the Guidance website
Admission deadline and positions available
Detailed information on the admission deadlines and on the positions available can be found in here.