The PhD in Electrical Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano is jointly organized by the Dipartimento di Elettrotecnica and the Dipartimento di Energia and offered to both Italian and foreign student.
In this website, you can find specific information on the Electrical Engineering PhD courses, while more general information on PhD courses at Politecnico di Milano can be found in the website of the PhD School.
Moreover, specific information about both the PhD research carried out in the recent past and the current PhD students are available.For further information, you can contact the Coordinator of the PhD Board in Electrical Engineering, Prof Marco Mussetta.
Secretariat: Ester Dall’Aglio(Phone: 3803)
Currently, funding of scholarships to the PhD in Electrical Engineering is provided by:
- Acciaierie Calvisano S.p.A.
- ENEL Distribuzione
- Italcertifer
- MCM Energy Lab
- Dipartimento di Energia del Politecnico
- Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria del Politecnico
- Giovenzana – Electra
- A2A Reti Elettriche
- Alstom Ferroviaria